Friday 17 August 2012

Send Assange to Sweden

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been granted political asylum by Ecuador, for the moment halting his extradition to Sweden to face sexual assault charges, which has now sparked a big and unnecessary diplomatic row between Britain, Sweden and Ecuador over what to do with him.
The answer is simple send him to Sweden, he is accused of sexual assault and must face the charges simple as, maybe he is guilty otherwise why would he leg it to the Ecuadorian embassy and beg for asylum.
A confusing quote has come out of this whole saga which is that if he were to be sent to Sweden his human rights would be violated, can someone please explain that one to me because I’m struggling to work out exactly how.    
You’re not sending him to a labour camp in North Korea he would be going to Sweden a democratic member of the EU, so in what way would his human rights be violated.
Let’s take a moment to look at exactly who Julian Assange is, he’s a computer hacker who set up the whistle blowing website Wikileaks, got 250,000 secret US diplomatic cables dropped into his lap, had no idea what to do with them so gave them to a coalition of newspapers around the world and let them do all the work picking out and editing which cables were most newsworthy and suitable for print, while dancing around taking credit for the whole thing.
At the time when the cables went to print the Americans were calling him a terrorist (most probably to cover their embarrassment) but he’s not a terrorist he’s an idiot, I’ll be honest when I first found out about Wikileaks and the release of the cables I thought he was quite cool, but now I know the full story I just see him as a creepy pain in the arse.  

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