Tuesday 7 August 2012

Boundary Changes Given the go Ahead

PM David Cameron has announced that changes to the boundaries of constituencies in the UK will go ahead, the move will likely see the number of constituencies reduced from 650 to 600 and will effectively make it easier for the Tories to be re-elected come the general election in 2015.
This is a fascinating turn of events given that last week it was reported that Cameron was ditching Lords reform due to a backbench rebellion, and in response an increasingly infuriated Nick Clegg said he would block any boundary changes in an act of revenge.
But his words like those of so many Lib Dem politicians seem to have fallen on deaf ears as it appears he is set to be ignored once again, Cameron and the Conservatives may have played nice for the cameras when they needed the Lib Dems to form the coalition, but since then despite a few token cabinet jobs, Cameron has seemingly ignored most of what Nick Clegg has said and has just done what he wants.
I bet when the coalition was formed Clegg and co must have been delighted that they finally had a say in the way the country was run, but so far it’s proved to be slap in the face after slap in the face, and with this announcement it looks like it’s set to continue.

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