Friday 17 August 2012

Punish Emergency Services Timewasters

It is comforting to live in a society where if the worst comes to the worst we can call on the emergency services to come to our aid, but unfortunately there are some brain-dead morons who abuse this great benefit of ours for the most trivial and pointless nonsense.
For instance a woman called 999 for an ambulance because a hamster bit her finger, two men called requesting urgent medical attention for hangovers and a patient faking severe stomach cramps jumped out of an ambulance on route to hospital and thanked paramedics for the lift. (admittedly when I first read that I couldn’t help giggling, but that really is shocking)
These chronic dingbats are not only abusing the publicly funded services available to them, but they are also putting other people’s lives at risk, I'm sure this has already happened, but one day some idiot calling an ambulance because they’ve got a splinter could mean that someone who desperately needs one because they’re having a heart attack or a stroke dies as a result.
People who do this should be punished severely not so much for their initial stupidity, but for the consequences their lunacy could bring, I don’t care how whether it’s a fine, community service or even a night in prison, whatever it takes to know that when I call an ambulance for a real emergency I’m not told to hang on in there because some gormless twerp has asked for one because they’ve grazed a knee.

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