Sunday 26 August 2012

Astronaut Armstrong Dies

Neil Armstrong who in 1969 became the first man to walk on the surface of the moon, has died aged 82, his three hour walk on the moon with Buzz Aldrin is still (arguably) to this day man-kinds greatest achievement.
His famous first words from the lunar surface ‘that’s one small step for man one giant leap for mankind’, further cements his place as one of the great pioneers of our time, of anytime.
What is so satisfying about Armstrong’s triumph is that unlike many others who would have milked it for all its worth, he remained a reluctant and dignified hero right up until the end very rarely making public appearances and never drawing attention to himself.
Armstrong’s passing is very sad, but it’s equally as sad to think that there are still millions the world over who still believe the whole thing was a hoax, I could go on all day about why their idiots and so on but I won’t.
Armstrong’s legacy will undoubtedly live on as he and his colleagues exploits made people the world over dream and grow up wanting to be astronauts themselves, unfortunately for many of those people (including me), soon realised that if I have trouble putting flat-pack furniture together then maybe I’m not NASA material.

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