Monday 13 January 2014

Spies to be allowed to break speed limit

Spies are to be allowed to speed under changes to the UK motoring laws. Spies are to be allowed to speed under changes to the UK motoring laws.

MI5 and MI6 officers currently have to abide by the rules of the road even if national security is threatened.

But they will be given the same exemptions as police vehicles, ambulances and fire engines by transport minister Robert Goodwill.

I certainly wasn’t aware that even in cases were national security was threatened our spies had to obey the speed limit, thankfully that barmy law has been corrected and now when the country is in danger they can get from A to B as quickly as they can and not sit behind the wheel checking they’re not speeding.

James Bond would be very different if the old law was factored in, the bad guy would speed off and Bond would jump in his car to chase, realise he’s in a built up area and so can’t go more than 30mph, be forced to chug along for miles until he gets to a motorway, by which point the bad guy’s already half way across Europe. I don’t think it would have been anywhere near as successful had this been the case. 

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