Wednesday 29 January 2014

Child car smoking ban proposal before Lords

A Labour plan to ban smoking in cars carrying children is due to be put to a vote in the House of Lords later.

Labour peers are to table an amendment to the Children and Families Bill detailing their proposal for England.

The party says that if it is not passed in this vote, it will be included in its manifesto for the next election.

While you can’t disagree with the intentions of this Bill, like the Bill that bans you from using a mobile phone this one seems like it will be virtually impossible to enforce.

Even on the shortest drive you usually see people chatting away barely concentrating on the road and yet you never see them get stopped so why would it be any different with smoking, the only difference would be that the person cutting you up will be puffing on a cigarette rather than talking on a phone.

I’ve said this many times before, and I'll say it again now, instead of spending who knows how much time and money slowly but surely reducing the number of places people are allowed to smoke, why not just say from February 1st, 2014 no one is allowed to smoke again, we’re introducing a total ban.

At this rate in a few months time I’ll no doubt be reading about how one of the main parties wants to introduce a ban on people smoking in houses containing children. 

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