Thursday 3 October 2013

Scientists believe they’ve proved the existence of Bigfoot

Bigfoot has long been considered a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax, but on Tuesday a team of researchers screened what they claim is conclusive evidence that the creature, also known as Sasquatch, exists.

During a news conference in Texas, the group of experts played several short clips that they described as ‘never before seen HD video’ of the supposed ape-like creature.

The footage consisted of very short, grainy and out-of-focus clips of various apparently human-like, hairy figures moving about in wooded areas in Kentucky.

I think the term scientist has never been used more loosely, this group of people spent $500,000 over five years on this project and what do they have to show for their efforts the usual grainy out of focus crap we always see when some yokel thinks he’s filmed a bigfoot.

This story should read more like a group of feckin eejit’s have wasted $500,000 and five years of their lives to show us that they’ve wasted $500,000 and five years of their lives.

What really grinds my gears is that there has never ever been anything close to resembling any real conclusive evidence that a bigfoot, sasquatch, whatever the f**k you want to call it, exists, and yet millions of people all over the world seem to cling onto to the idea that it does.

Hypothetically let’s say it does exist what then, actually seeing as though most of the supposed ‘sightings’ of it occur in the US a bunch of people would most likely head of into the woods with guns and want to shoot it, or deep fry it and cover it with spray on cheese.

The people who believe in stuff like this really need to come back to reality. 

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