Monday 14 October 2013

Lollipop man resigns over high-five council row

A lollipop man has resigned after being threatened with suspension for high-fining children who were crossing a road.

Bob Slade, 65, helped children to cross a road leading to Manadon Vale Primary School, in Plymouth.

Have you ever read anything so pathetic? I mean seriously have you.

All Mr Slade was doing was enjoying his job and taking some pride in it rather than just standing there with a face like thunder and glumly waving the kids across like most lollipop men/women do, and for this he’s threatened with suspension, what are they smoking at Plymouth town hall because I want to steer well clear of it.

Apparently the reason they threatened to suspend Mr Slade was because they thought if he was holding the lollipop with one hand and high-fiving kids with the other, then somehow that meant he wasn’t watching the road and compromising the safety of the children, which is a steaming pile of bullshit.

If that was the case and he really was ‘endangering’ their lives then how come in the four years Mr Slade was doing the job there wasn’t a single accident. 

If the claims made by the council had any legitimacy, which they obviously don’t, then there would have been complaints from the parents, which there have been but only due to the fact Mr Slade resigned not because of the job he was doing.

One parent described the situation as ridiculous and said what Mr Slade was doing wasn’t dangerous and that he was doing a great job.

Ironically now he’s resigned there is no-one patrolling the road, so well done Plymouth City Council you’ve made it much safer for the kids who cross that road. Idiots. 

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