Tuesday 23 July 2013

Dolphins ‘call each other by name’

Scientists have found further evidence that dolphins call each other by “name”.

Research has revealed that the marine mammals use a unique whistle to identify each other.

A team from the University of St Andrews in Scotland found that when the animals hear their own call played back to them, they respond.

There’s always a story like this every few months ‘scientists’ studying an animal will say we believe they give each other names, and it’s all nonsense they just don’t.

According to the study dolphins respond to their own whistle, how does that prove they give each other names? All that shows is they recognise their own noise! How is a whistle any different to a dog barking?

Playing devil’s advocate for a moment let’s say dolphins do give each other names, what practical application does this information have, none.   

When young children show an interest in science and potentially pursuing it as a career, they should be warned, warned and warned again not to end up researching frivolous stuff like this.        

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