Monday 23 July 2012

No. 10 Change the Tax Avoidance Law

The Government are pledging to crack down on rich tax dodgers, which I think we can all agree is good news.
However the way they are planning to do it makes it sound like they have rushed the idea and not thought it through, because they are cracking down by allowing the taxman to demand details of people using tax avoidance schemes, it is then hoped that those involved in tax schemes can be ‘named and shamed’ into paying more tax.
Which is a stupid idea because if a millionaire is part of a tax avoidance scheme, which currently isn’t illegal, naming and shaming them won’t do anything because after a few days everybody will forget who they are and they’ll carry on as normal, or worse they’ll sue for defamation of character and probably receive a large compensation cheque.
How about changing the law so tax avoidance joins tax evasion as being illegal, that way the rich can pay what they’re supposed to and not re-route their money here, there and everywhere.
Considering we’re in a recession and every penny counts, you’d think the government would want the extra revenue a law change would bring, although that might mean some of them would have to pay more tax.

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