Monday 19 August 2013

Switzerland opens drive in ‘sex-boxes’

They look like shelters for hikers in a national park, but nine new wooden sheds in Switzerland have a rather less innocent purpose – they provide a discreet location for men to have sex with prostitutes.

The drive-in ‘sex boxes’ as they are being called, will be officially opened on August 26, as part of a drive by authorities in Zurich to regulate prostitution, combat pimping and improve security for sex workers.

The nine garage-style structures, located in a former industrial zone in the west of the city, have been organised with typically Swiss precision.

Drivers will have to follow a clearly marked route along which up to 40 prostitutes will be stationed.

These ‘sex-boxes’ are being introduced apparently to reduce prostitution, but I don’t see how introducing a massive drive-thru in an industrial zone does that in any way, all the Swiss authorities are doing is moving prostitution to a designated area.

This idea is a bit like the one on the TV show the Wire, where the police set-up three zones in empty parts of Baltimore to allow the gangs to ‘legally’ sell drugs, it’s the same here it’s not solving the original problem it’s just moving the problem to where less people are aware of it.

Prostitution is legal in Switzerland and if the authorities there want to reduce prostitution surely the first step would be to make it illegal wouldn’t it?

Switzerland is a very confusing place, they have incredibly draconian car laws, yet everyone owns a gun and in a week’s time they’ll have a drive-thru, fast prostitution service, like I said confusing.    

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