Tuesday 6 August 2013

Killer dogs’ owners could face life in prison

The owners of dogs that attack and kill someone could face life in prison under new proposals for England and Wales.

The current maximum prison sentence for allowing a dog that kills or injures someone to be dangerously out of control is two years.

The government has proposed a number of sentencing options for a fatal dog attack - from seven years to life. But the RSPCA said more needed to be done.

Whenever the government tries to address any issue the more needs to be done line will always be used so no surprises there, but this is a necessary step because the current maximum of two years is woefully inadequate.

Hopefully this will, in time, make people either look after their dogs properly or better still mean less people will want one of the stinking, slobbering, shitting, stupid things.

I’ll back anything that might lead to that. 

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