Monday 24 June 2013

Jim Carrey won’t promote ‘too violent’ Kick-Ass 2

Jim Carrey has announced that he will not be promoting Kick-Ass 2, a film which in light of the Sandy Hook shootings he has deemed ‘too violent’.

The actor plays Colonel Stars and Stripes in the film and filmed his scenes last year, but will not be doing a promotional tour ahead of its worldwide August release.

He told his 10 million Twitter followers that his opinion of the film and its violent content had changed.
‘I did Kickass a month b4 Sandy Hook and now in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence’.

This is interesting, an actor refusing to promote his own movie because it’s too violent.

I understand the stance that Carrey is trying to take but it doesn’t really make much sense, he says that due to the Sandy Hook shootings he’s changed his opinion of the film, but there were several shootings similar to Sandy Hook before filming for Kick-Ass 2 would have taken place so why the change all of a sudden.

If he was that concerned about the levels of violence in the film then why sign up for it at all?

I don’t mean to be facetious, but if you don’t like strong levels of violence don’t star in a movie called Kick-Ass, particularly if there’s an incredibly violent Kick-Ass film that is already out there and readily available.

Ironically Carrey’s stance could actually cause the number of people who go and see this movie to rise, as it could kick off another round of are films too violent and are they a factor in the rising levels of violence in society debate. 

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