Monday 3 June 2013

Goats detained after police car is ‘vandalised’

Police in the Indian city of Chennai have reportedly detained three goats, after a brand new Toyota Innova patrol car was allegedly attacked by a pack of 12.

Bystanders reported seeing the errant goats standing on top of the cop car, causing dents, scratches and damage to the windscreen and wipers.

Policeman Ganesh Babu, the owner of the new vehicle, is said to have caught the trio at the scene, they have been remanded in custody, at a nearby Society for the Protection of Animals centre.

The nine remaining suspects that have evaded capture so far are still being sought.

What a great way to start the week, a story about goats vandalising a police car.

First thing you have to ask is how unsettling is it for the residents of Chennai that the local police can’t deal with a few goats, yes three were ‘caught’ but nine got away.

Would like to know what the tactics are for trying to catch the other nine, will the police be going door to door with pictures of the goats asking have you seen this animal?

What if they find one hiding in a field of cows, will they arrest the cows as well for harbouring a fugitive. 

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