Tuesday 1 April 2014

Now we should eat seven fruit and veg a day

Eating seven or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day is healthier than the five currently recommended and would prolong lives, researchers say.

A study of 65,226 men and women indicated the more fruit and vegetables people ate, the less likely they were to die - at any given age.

Seven a day cut the risk of dying from cancer and heart disease.

Given that it’s already been acknowledged in response to this research that many people, including myself, don’t eat five a day, what’s the point of telling those people to up that number to seven.

All this is saying is right you’re not eating five a day; now try not eating seven a day.

But if you follow the logic here in a few years they’ll be saying eat nine a day then 11 a day then only eat fruit and veg until the aisles of supermarkets will be wall to wall fruit and veg.

If you want people to actually reach the five a day target why not start by removing all the chemicals added and that in turn should reduce the cost, maybe then the target of five or seven will be achievable, that’s a better option than saying eat two more than what you’re already not eating. 

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