Monday 6 May 2013

Working gun made with 3D printer

The world's first gun made with 3D printer technology has been successfully fired in the US.

The controversial group which created the firearm, Defense Distributed, plans to make the blueprints available online.

The group has spent a year trying to create the firearm, which was successfully tested on Saturday at a firing range south of Austin, Texas.

Given the debate across America about what gun control laws to introduce and how extensive they should be, and whether an agreement on background checks can be reached, I think it’s pretty pathetic that this firm:

A) Have dedicated their time and effort to bring out a product which could potentially destabilise that whole process and bring everything back to square one.

B) Can’t spell its defence not defense.

Creating a gun that people can download of the internet and print-off at home, what could go wrong?

Defense Distributed is headed by Cody Wilson, a 25-year-old law student at the University of Texas who, when being interviewed by the BBC, made this rather worrying statement: “I'm seeing a world where technology says you can pretty much be able to have whatever you want. It's not up to the political players anymore.

Need I say more. 

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