Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Leaders agree to review EU agenda at Brussels summit

EU leaders have agreed to re-evaluate the blocs agenda after voters sent a strong message, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has said.

Mr Van Rompuy said leaders of the 28 member states had asked him to launch consultations on future policies.

This is a very interesting change in tone, and in fact David Cameron went even further and called the EU “too big, too bossy and too interfering” which you can’t disagree with, but it’s interesting that he’s saying this now after we’ve had the European elections.

The EU was “too big, too bossy and too interfering” last week, last month, and last year! Why has he waited until now to say this?

What is it about politics that things have to reach the point of no return before anyone thinks about saying hang on a minute maybe what we’re doing isn’t working and we need to change.

Why have the EU only recognised the problem now they’re dangling over the edge of a cliff.

Why did they not say months or years ago, hey we acknowledge people don’t like us or what we’re doing and we’re making an effort to change, then maybe the EU wouldn’t be so bloody unpopular! 

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