Thursday 20 March 2014

Cloak ‘anti-social’ app helps you avoid your friends

While most social networks aim to connect people, one new service seeks to join the growing trend of doing the opposite and help you avoid them.

Cloak uses public location data from other social networks, Foursquare and Instagram, to determine the locations of others you know.

Users can choose to receive an alert when certain people are believed to be nearby.

Apparently this app and others are part of a current trend of 'anti-social apps' where people can use their social media accounts without other people knowing their doing it or knowing who they are, which begs the question if people are now downloading all these apps to cloak themselves and stop others seeing what they’re doing and where they are why not just delete their social media accounts, it’d be much easier and you’re friends wouldn’t have a clue where you were.   

Hopefully now people will start to realise that they don’t have to document every waking hour of their lives on social media and go back to communicating the way humans have done for thousands of years by talking to each other in the flesh rather than do what I’ve seen many people out do, which is while out with their friends spend the whole time on their phones messaging virtual strangers.

I have never understood the appeal of social media and this myth about connecting everyone and brining them together is frankly a load of pr bullshit, as social media does the opposite it keeps everyone apart and the sooner people delete their Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts the better. 

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