Thursday, 12 June 2014

FIFA president criticises UEFA ‘disrespect’

Sepp Blatter has indicated he wants to seek a fifth term as FIFA president and called UEFA “disrespectful” following calls for his resignation.

He has been widely criticised over the damage corruption allegations have caused football's governing body.
But the 78-year-old Swiss said he was angered when a number of European football chiefs urged him to quit.

Some of Blatters antics in the last few days: calling the allegations levelled at Qatar racist, acting surprised that a lot of people have realised he’s useless and now throwing out this managers can challenge decisions during a game idea without thinking about it look like the actions of a man realising the end is nigh and is just melting down blurting out the first thing that comes to mind hoping he can somehow save himself.

I hope that’s the case because the World Cup starts later today and most of the talk is about an ageing Swiss crack pot and not the football, which is usually the beginning of the end and for footballs sake I hope this is true of Blatter.

Anyway enough of that feckin eejit it’s time to sit back and let the beautiful game take centre stage.  

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